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IJMDC. 2018; 2(May 2018): 38-44

Effect of inter-pregnancy interval on pregnancy outcome: a prospective study at Fayoum, Egypt

Eman M. Mahfouz, Naglaa A. El-Sherbiny, Wafaa Y. Abdel Wahed, Nashwa S. Hamed.


Background: Nonoptimal IPI (interpregnancy interval) that is either short or long contributes to adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes in both low and high income countries.
Methodology: A prospective cohort study was conducted in two urban primary heath care (PHC) centers in Fayoum district. The study participants were multigravida pregnant women attending the targeted PHC for antenatal care (ANC) with inclusion criteria of being in the last trimester, with a live singleton in the current pregnancy, and registered in ANC records within the PHC center.
Results: The mean age of the study women was (27.3 ± 4.95). Women with IPI < 12 months represented 16.2%, while women with IPI between 12 and 24 months represented 18.0%. Long IPI of more than 59 months represented nearly 17%. Low birth weight (LBW) and prematurity were significantly related to short IPI i.e., less than 24 months, however, still birth and pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) were related to long IPI > 59 months with a statistical significant difference (P ≤ 0.05).
Conclusion: Both short and long IPIs were associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. The short IPIs were associated with increased risk of prematurity and LBW, and long IPIs were associated with increased risk of still birth and PIH.

Key words: Interpregnancy interval, pregnancy outcome, prematurity, perinatal mortality

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