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Mohammad Othman Al-Rukban.


We would like to present, with great pleasure another volume of a Majmaah Journal of Health Science MJHS. It is a great challenge to bring a new journal into the world, especially when the journal aims to publish high quality manuscripts. The main object of MJHS is to publish the research papers well in time but with peer review by subject experts. This is the 3rd year from the time we published the inaugural volume of this journal. The journal has Editorial Board of Scientist of International repute. With our editorial boardÂ’s cumulative experience, this journal brings a substantial representation of the field of health sciences. Without the service and dedication of our editorial board, MJHS would have never existed. This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

The Journal is currently in the process of getting indexed into several of databases. The success of our journal depends directly on the number of quality articles submitted for review. Accordingly, I would like to request your participation by submitting quality manuscripts for review and encouraging your colleagues to submit quality manuscripts for review. One of the great benefits we can provide to our prospective authors, regardless of acceptance of their manuscript or not, is the mentoring nature of our review process. MJHS provides authors with high quality, helpful reviews that are shaped to assist authors in improving their manuscripts.

We thank our editors for sharing their invaluable editorial experience with us. The editorial board of MJHS has done a tremendous job; I thoroughly enjoyed the professionalism and enthusiasm of our editorial team. The journal would not be here before you without the continuous efforts of Dr. Khaled Al Tohami, Dr. Moattar Raza Rizvi, Dr. Fuzail Ahmad & Mr. Waqas Sami, the assistant to the editorial board, who kept us all on track. I thank all our reviewers, for making themselves available and providing us with timely review.

The Research papers, reviews or short communications may be sent by email to the Editor-in-Chief at the following email address:

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