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Majmaah J Heal Sci. 2015; 3(2): 36-39

Teaching Biostatistics to Medical Undergraduates in Integrated Curriculum

Waqas Sami, Mohammed AlMansour, Tayyaba Waqas.


As medicine has moved to become more evidence based, biostatistics has become ever more important in practicing medicine and for the education of tomorrow’s doctors. The role of biostatistics in medical education is now well recognized, and the curricula in almost all the medical colleges and postgraduate institutions across globe has provision of teaching biostatistics. In an integrated curriculum biostatistics and research methods, course should be inducted in-combination from 1st year of study and its Curricula should be developed by content experts with taking care of the spiral approach. Integration is now considered the best way to teach so the tutors should get maximum benefit of teaching biostatistics under this system. The curriculum contents should be updated at the end of course every time based on feedbacks and recent advancements in the field. Computer based approach should be used to make the learning more interactive. Assessment must be aligned with teaching methods, curriculum outcomes and course objectives.

Key words: Biostatistics, Research Methods, Integrated Curriculum, Computer Based Approach

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