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Majmaah J Heal Sci. 2016; 4(1): 61-76

Domestic Violence: With Emphasis on International Cultural and Societal Variations

Awad Mohamed Ahmed, Nada Hassan Ahmed Abdelrahman, Abdullah I Aedh, Kholood A Al-Omer, Elsadig Yousif Mohamed.


Domestic violence is serious health and social problem that constitute an obstacle to nation’s development and welfare through preventing women from enjoying their fundamental right and hindrance of their development. Domestic violence is classified into three categories, physical violence (anything from pulling to use of fire weapons), psychological abuse and controlling behaviours (both range from shouting to verbal abuse and social and economic restriction). Two major factors are responsible of domestic violence, the subordinate position of women in the society, and the social acceptance of violence as a method to resolve family conflicts. Then factors at the individual level stem from these two factors (e.g. poverty, age, poor education, alcohol). At the long time, there are grave health and social consequences for domestic violence. There are emergency care measures to victims. Initially, the health setting should deal with the abused women as a health problem; then they should be referred to the concerned parties for support. Prevention of domestic violence need implementing of multi-disciplinary programmes with participations of non-governmental organizations, governmental departments, legal authorities, medical profession, academicians, media and religious men to deal with the problem at all levels, individual, family and society. Major lines of DV prevention include women empowerment, and adopting measures to combat societal and individual and combating sociocultural norms that encourage violence against women (changing perceptions). Some issues in DV prevention strategies are relevant to men and should be addressed (e.g. alcohol, their concepts on masculinity and men’s social roles). Research on domestic violence should be promoted and to allocate part of research fund to this topic.

Key words: Domestic violence; Intimate partner violence; Dynamics of domestic violence

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