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Case Report

Aesthetic and Functional Rehabilitation of Multiple Grossly Decayed Anterior Teeth: A case report

Roshan Uthappa, Mousa Abu FadalehJ, Karthiga Kannan, Tarulatha R Shyagali, Deepak P Bhayya.


The loss of tooth structure due to caries in the anterior region is a major issue, as it affects both the function and the aesthetics. Only root canal treatment may not be the solution for such cases and the advancement of the material sciences and the cutting edge technology has brought forth many options to treat such cases. Fibre reinforced post is one such contribution to the material advancement. The present case report will demonstrate the use of the fibre reinforced post and prefabricated metal NiTi post for the successful treatment of the unaesthetic, functionally damaged maxillary anterior teeth.

Key words: Anterior teeth, Aesthetics, Dental caries, Fibre reinforced post, Metal post, Rehabilitation

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