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The Ability of Dentists to Identify Psychiatric Symptoms in their Patients

Abdulrahman A Al-Atram.


Background and aims: Oral health plays an integral part in the general health of an individual. Moreover, a significant number of patients report to their dentist with signs and symptoms primarily of psychological origin. Identifying and treating such patients appropriately are a priority, so this survey was done to assess the ability of dental practitioners to identify patients with psychiatric problems.

Methods: A random sample of practising dentists in the Al Qassim province of Saudi Arabia was invited. The participants were then divided into three groups based on their clinical experience: Group I, with 10 years of experience. Chi-squared analyses were used.

Results: Of the 150 dentists invited, 132 responded to the survey. Dentists in all groups encountered patients with mental health problems, and most focused on dental problems and ignored any psychological factors, stating that more time should be allocated to treat dental problems. They also noted that there was a lack of communication between dental practitioners and psychiatrists when cases were referred.

Conclusions: Early and appropriate recognition and management of psychological illness in patients with dental problems could help dentists provide treatment in a more holistic way. This can be facilitated by training dental practitioners to identify mental health problems in their patients and by ensuring that good communication exists between Dentists and Psychiatrists.

Key words: Anxiety, Communication, Depression, Dental practitioners, Psychiatric disorders

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