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Case Report

A rare cause of the wrist pain; Osteoid osteoma in the ulna head

Hakan Ertem, Eyup Cagatay Zengin, Cihan Aslan, Muhittin Sener.


Osteoid osteoma comprises 4% of all bone tumors. It is a benign tumor that is most frequently observed on the proximal femur and tibia. In the literature, there is limited data about osteoid osteoma on the ulnar head. We report a 29-year old male with osteoid osteoma on the ulnar head. This male patient presented with swelling and persistent pain on the ulnar side of his right hand. There was a history of falling two years ago, after which the pain had increased. The patient was diagnosed as triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) injury, and medical treatment was initiated. Then, following clinical and radiological workup, with the preliminary diagnosis of osteoid osteoma, surgical excision was performed. After surgical excision, the diagnosis was confirmed with a histopathological examination. Although it is a rare localization, osteoid osteoma on the ulna head should be kept in mind in patients with ulnar-sided wrist pain.

Key words: Osteoid osteoma, ulnar head, wrist pain

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