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RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 206-208

Prevalence of fall avoidance behavior among geriatric population

Rabiya Noor, Fizza Zulifqar, Misbah Waris, Muhammad Salman Bashir.


Background: Fear of falling lead to avoidance from activities and was a serious and notable issue among older population. Activity restriction also results due to decrease level of confidence while performing daily activities of life.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine prevalence of activity avoidance that occurred due to fear of fall among geriatric population.
Materials and Methods: With the help of cross-sectional survey subjects was chosen by using simple random sampling technique in one hundred and fifty community living older people of each gender.
Results: Reported prevalence rate of fall avoidance behavior was 80.3% of our population. The mean age of the participants was 69.33±8.068 years. Both, female gender and higher age were independently associated with activity restriction. Prevalence was reported high among 65(86.7%) females and 60(80%) males. Higher age exhibited decrease level of confidence towards activities.
Conclusion: Avoidance behavior due to fall showed high prevalence in our population. Demographic factors, Sex and higher age were strongly associated with fall avoidance behavior. In result of these high prevalence rates this study can help physiotherapists and occupational therapists to spot older people who are at risk of future falls by conducting prevention programs.

Key words: Self-efficacy, activities of daily living, aging, geriatrics.

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