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J. res. tradit. med. 2017; 3(6): 167-171

Clinical Assessment of Prakriti - A Pilot Study

Kothanath Bhaskaran Jyothy, Pansi Siddhali.


Background: Assessment of Prakriti (individual constitution) is one among the basic principles and ten major steps of examination of patients explained in Ayurveda. Individuals possessing constitution with equilibrium of three Dosha (bodily humors) named Vata, Pitta and Kapha are said to be excellent and those with two Dosha dominancy are condemnable. The persons with constitution of single Dosha predominance are said to be inferior, mediocre and good depending upon the respective Dosha involvement. In present day clinical practice, due to various reasons the assessment of Prakriti is being overlooked. Aim: The present study was aimed at analysis of physical features in gross level Prakriti assessment. Materials & Methods: The present pilot study was a single group single centre selective sampling survey study on 25 healthy adult participants who were included in the study after obtaining informed consent. 16 selected physical features of different Prakriti as per classical textbooks of Ayurveda were assessed in them with the use of specially prepared questionnaire. The observations made on each feature were given scores from 0 to 1 and the scores were summarized to calculate the percentage. Prakriti was assessed based on the percentage obtained for individual Dosha. Results: Among 25 participants, physical features of Vata Dosha were found to be 36.75% and that of Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha were 38.75% and 24.5% respectively. It was observed that 80 % of the participants belonged to Tridoshaja Prakriti whereas 20% belonged to Dwidoshaja Prakriti. It was also observed that the participants had a few clinical symptoms in common such as lumbago, menstrual irregularities, digestive disorders and constipation. Conclusion: At a gross level, assessment of Prakriti of individuals can be drawn by direct observation during clinical examination which will serve as a good tool in planning primary health care strategies in present day clinical practice. The study also demonstrated assessment of Prakriti in individuals who have limitations in effective communication. Studies in larger group are necessary to establish the same further.

Key words: Individual Constitution, Physical Features, Pratyaksha Pramana, Prakriti, Tridosha

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