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Research Article

Vet. Res. Notes. 2022; 2(7): 54-59

Intestinal parasites associated with common marine fishes in Nigeria

Olajide Joseph Afolabi, Kafilat Oyenike Abass.

Cited by 0 Articles

Objective: Fish is a valuable food source and employment in developing countries. However, par¬asitic infections pose a threat to fish cultivation and fish health. This study is aimed at assessing intestinal parasites associated with marine fishes.
Materials and Methods: A total of 30 frozen marine fishes, comprising 10 Clupea harengus (her¬rings), 10 Scomber scombrus (mackerel), and 10 Micromesistius poutassou (blue whiting) of dif¬ferent sizes and weights, were examined for intestinal parasites.
Results: The results revealed Eimeria spp. and Goussia spp. as parasitic protozoa in M. poutassou and S. scombrus, respectively. Grillotia smarisgora was the only parasitic cestode in M. poutas¬sou. At the same time, Hemiurus spp. and Anisakis spp. were parasitic trematode and nematode observed in both C. harengus and S. scombrus fishes, respectively. Anisakis spp., a parasitic nema¬tode, was the most common intestinal parasite among the marine fishes with 70%, 80%, and 90% occurrence in S. scombrus, C. harengus, and M. poutassou, respectively.
Conclusion: Parasitic infection is one of the factors undermining fish production. Therefore, fish sellers should be enlightened to improve sanitation in handling and processing fish.

Key words: Marine fishes, Intestinal parasites, Market, Anisakis

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