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Case Report

J. res. tradit. med. 2017; 3(6): 172-179

Management of Indralupta (Alopecia areata) through Ayurveda - A Case Study

Trupti Ishwardas Thakre, Mohini Shivdas Fagne, Kothanath Bhaskaran Jyothy.


Background: Indralupta (Alopecia areata) is a disease of scalp in which the major clinical feature is loss of hair. The basic pathophysiology of Indralupta is the vitiated Tridosha (three body humours) and Rakta (blood & blood components) affecting the scalp. The pathology also reveals the blockage of hair follicles with aggravated Rakta and Kapha (one among Tridosha) which further prevents regrowth of hairs. Aim: To evaluate the role of Ayurveda treatment modalities in Indralupta. Materials & Methods: A female child aged 5 years suffering from single patch of hair loss over right parietal area was treated with both external and internal therapy which included carminative and nutritive medicines along with oil application and mild fomentation for a period of 4 weeks with follow up at every 14 days in between. Clinical assessment was done during both pre-and post-treatment period. Relief from the complaints was assessed by noting the changes in hair regrowth over the patch. Results: After 14 days of treatment slight regrowth of hairs was observed. After 2nd follow up the patch was covered with hairs but not completely. At the end of 1 month the patch was fully covered with hairs. Post treatment follow up was done for a period of 2 months which reported no recurrence of the complaints. Conclusion: The present case study revealed the efficacy of Ayurveda therapy including both external and internal medications for duration of 4 weeks in the management of Indralupta.

Key words: Alopecia areata, Ayurveda Management, Indralupta

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