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A novel in vitro cell culture model of human foreskin to study the immunogenicity of live attenuated influenza vaccine

Waleed Mahallawi, Hamdi H. Almaramhy.


Background and Aim: The foreskin of the penis is a part of the mucosal immune system, an important first line of defense against antigens and infection. We tested cell culture derived from human foreskin tissues to observe the immunogenicity of live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV). The aim of this study is to use a novel in vitro cell culture model of human foreskin to assess LAIV in priming humoral as well as cellular immune responses. Also, to provide a new model that could be used to investigate the immunogenicity of the intranasal vaccines in foreskin tissue.

Methods: Foreskin samples (n=21) were obtained from infant boys who had undergone circumcision at Pediatric urology department in Madinah Children and Maternity Hospital, Saudi Arabia. The samples were collected within for weeks of time. No clinical conditions were found during the time of surgery for those who gave foreskin samples i.e., all were healthy. We isolated a single cell suspension from fresh foreskin tissues and measured the frequency of total T cell subsets (CD4 and CD8) using multiparameter flow cytometry. ELISA was also used to measure the antibody titrations in cell culture supernatants following stimulation.

Results: Significant higher antibody levels were detected) p

Key words: Foreskin, Humoral Immunity, Cellular Immunity, Cell culture model LAIV

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