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Original Article

NNJ. 2017; 6(1): 30-32
doi: 2017

The effectiveness of structured teaching program on respiratory exercises after cardiothoracic surgery among cardiothoracic surgery patients at selected Hospitals, Bangalore.

Mrs. V.R. Saritha Reddy, Mr. Rahul.


Introduction: Respiratory exercises are the fundamental intervention for the prevention or comprehensive management of acute and chronic respiratory disorders. The immediate post operative respiratory exercises to be performed by cardiothoracic patients at hospital setup are diaphragmatic breathing exercise, pursed lip breathing, coughing with splinting, turning and incentive spirometry exercises. objective:To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on respiratory exercises after cardiothoracic surgery among cardiac patients at selected hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka. Materials and methods: A quasiexperimental design and evaluative approach was used in the study which included 40 samples through convenience sampling technique Data was collected using structured questionnaire. Data analysis was done with SPSS. Results: mean knowledge scores at pre-test were 11.82 (45.46%) found to have inadequate knowledge regarding respiratory exercises after cardiothoracic surgery. After administration of structured teaching program, mean knowledge scores was 20.25 (77.88%) found to have adequate knowledge among cardiac thoracic surgery patients. Conclusions: The study concluded that the structured teaching program was effective in improving the level of knowledge of cardiothoracic surgery patients.

Key words: cardiothoracic surgery patients, respiratory exercises, cardiothoracic surgery, structured teaching programme.

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