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Original Article

NNJ. 2017; 6(4): 3-5
doi: 2017

Comparative study to assess the knowledge regarding the identification of system wise deviation among staff nurses and nursing students

Ms. K. Ramya.


The body systems are divided according to its function and physiology. The physical assessment is the systematic collection of objective information. The physical assessment is usually conducted in a head –to-toe sequence or a system sequence but can be adapted to meet the needs of the patient. It is often necessary to modify the sequence, positions, and specific assessment based on the patient’s age, energy level, cognitive and physical state, as well as time constraints. Even when modified, the physical assessment should be conducted in an organized and knowledgeable manner. About one in every four (26%) patient had pivotal physical findings. Performing an accurate physical assessment and being able to differentiate normal from abnormal findings. Aim:  To assess the level of knowledge regarding identification of system wise deviation among staff nurses.  To assess the level of knowledge regarding identification of system wise deviation among nursing students.  To find out the association between the levels of knowledge regarding identification of system wise deviation among staff nurses with their selected socio demographic variables.  To find out the association between the levels of knowledge regarding identification of system wise deviation among nursing students with their selected socio demographic variables. Material and method: Study conducted by using the descriptive design, using Convenience sampling technique. Results and Conclusion: The result shows that with regard to level of knowledge regarding identification of system wise deviation among staff nurses 4(26.7%) and 2(13.3%) nursing students were having adequate knowledge, 8(53.3%) staff nurses and 6(40%) nursing students were having moderate knowledge and 3(20%) staff nurses and 7(46.7%) nursing student were having inadequate knowledge.

Key words: system wise deviation, physical assessment, body system assessment.

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