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Original Article

NNJ. 2018; 7(1): 42-46
doi: 2018

A study to assess the knowledge regarding infected wound dressing among staff nurses and student nurses in NMCH, Nellore.

Ms. Anjani Devi. N,Anjumol V.T..


A wound is a serious consequences and a common cause of delayed wound healing. An infected
wound is one in which pathogens have invaded and overcome the body’s first line of defense, producing
clinical sign of infection. It is also called as septic wound. The aim of the present descriptive study to assess
the level of knowledge regarding infected wound dressing among staff nurses and student nurses in NMCH,
Nellore. The study was conducted by descriptive design, the total number of 15 staff nurses and 15 student
nurses were selected through purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted for a period of two
week from 1-5-15 to 15-5-15 after obtaining the formal permission from the nursing dean and ethical
committee data collection was collected. The students who fulfill the inclusion criteria were included for
study after obtaining consent from them, confidentially of the shared information was assured. The data
was collected by using semi structured questionnaire to assess the level of knowledge regarding infected
wound dressing. Finally the data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
Knowledge regarding infected wound dressing among staff nurses,with regard to level of knowledge
1(6.7%) staff had inadequate knowledge, 10(66.6%) staff had moderately adequate knowledge and 4(26.7%)
staff had adequate knowledge. Knowledge regarding infected wound dressing among student nurses,with
regard to level of knowledge 1( 6.7%) students had inadequate knowledge, 6(40% )students had moderate
knowledge and 8( 53.3%) had adequate knowledge.The study concluded that majority of staff and student
nurses have inadequate knowledge regarding infected wound dressing.CONCLUSION
The study concluded that majority of staff and student
nurses have inadequate knowledge regarding infected
wound dressing.

Key words: Knowledge, infected wound, dressing, staff nurse, nursing students

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