Introduction: Austro-Hungarian monarchy had great impact on healthcare system in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and consequences of that exist today. Aim: To launch of the section The Most Influential Physicians in the Development of Health Care in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which, within next issues of the Medical Archives will be presented the prominent physicians, dentists and pharmacists who gave contribution to development of healthcare system in B&H. Results: This paper provides a full overview from the literature about health care circumstances during 150 years in Bosnia and Herzegovina and important of the role health care institutions and of all the doctors working in B&H during the Austro-Hungarian administration. To some of them is devoted more attention in the texts about their life and work and their contribution to the development of the health service in B&H, but also to the description of the others, except for the medical activities they have contributed to our homeland, such as Dr. Jozef Kecet, Dr. Julije Makanec, Dr. Teodora Krajewska, Dr. Josef von Preindlsberger, Dr. Hamdija Karamehmedovic and others, but there are many more that we should know about and mention them. Conclusion: The fact is Austro-Hungarian model of healthcare system in that time was functional for that period and great improvement in comparison to past and the fact is that that system represents a basis even for modern medicine in territory of B&H.
Key words: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Health Care Systems, History.