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Equijost. 2015; 3(1): 12-18


Wade M. N. and Ibrahim S. J.


The survey was carried out in order to assess the level of fish farming in Argungu metropolis. A total of 40 questionnaires equal to the number of farms in the study area were administered. The metropolis is composed of five wards viz: Dikko ward, Kokani North, Kokani South, Gwazange ward and Galadima ward. The result of the investigation revealed that forty Fish farms were operating in the study area and only one farm was operated by the Government, while the remaining 39 were owned and operated by individuals. Majority (87.5%) of the respondents were practicing monoculture, 96.62% of the farmers used concrete ponds and majority (97.5%) of the farmers prefer using industrial feeds and they adopted two feeding regime per day. Most farmers (67.5%) cultured Dutch Clarias hybrid followed by Heterobranchus species (25%). On the production capacity, 80% of the respondents were under-utilizing their ponds while 20% were over-utilizing their fish farms. As observed by this study, The major problems encountered by fish farmers in this area includes lack of standard hatchery facilities within the state, high cost of industrial (standard) feed and lack of an efficient extension delivery system. This study shows that in order to facilitate Fish farming in Kebbi State, there may be need for the Government to intervene and overcome the constraints faced by the farmers.

Key words: Respondent, Monoculture, Hatchery, Concrete ponds, Clarias species, Heterobranchus species

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