We reviewed nanomaterials and nanotoxicology to investigate their implications on the environment and the human system. The advent of any new technologies have unexpected outcomes which can be both beneficial and harmful to the mankind and environment. Despite of beneficial outcomes of nanotechnology in different fields, nanomaterials have created a global concern due to toxicities related to them. Nanotoxicology involves study of the nature and mechanism of toxic effects of nanoscale materials and particles on living organisms and other biological systems. It quantitatively assesses the intensity and frequency of the nanotoxic effects. Mixed opinion exists regarding their advantages and disadvantages. However, due to their strange and new physico-chemical properties, they behave uniquely when inadvertently enter in environment and life forms. Their unique properties, like electrical conductivity, stability, reactivity, etc. could be alarming if they are at wrong place. In the living forms, they may enter through various portals and cause toxicity that has a lethal impact on the bio-systems, especially humans. It has deleterious effects on precisely on respiratory, gastrointestinal, neural, cutaneous, and cardiovascular systems. There are certain factors which affect nanotoxicology, for instance, size of nanomaterials, their surface area and chemistry, chemical components, dosage, and their free radical production. There are certain environmental concerns related to these materials, especially their nonbiodegradable and bioaccumulation properties which make them lethal in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats
Key words: Nanotoxicology, nanotechnology, nanomaterials, carbon nanotube, fullerene