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Review Article

IJPRT. 2017; 7(1): 06-11

Application of Green Composite Material in Sustainable Architectural and Automotive Part Development - A Review



In the current synerio, application of waste materials from various agricultural, livestock disposable elements are been highly appreciated. These discarded materials are been converted or reused to develop a new material which is cost effective, equally strengthened and ecofriendly too. A review based on the characterization, application and reusability of various green waste and biocomposite material development is done in order to generate various research gap and to pile up the clustered knowledge of developing green composite for various design applications. The use of green waste like almond shell particles, walnut, groundnut shell, cane residue, poultry waste and various livestock waste like cow dunk, chicken feather fiber, egg shell and so on are been reviewed for advance composite material development. The evaluation of Ecofriendly, Sustainable and cost effective material development is appreciated and piled up.

Key words: Green Composite, Architecture, Biodegradable, Advance material, Characterization, chicken feather

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