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IJPRT. 2017; 7(2): 38-41

Modeling of solar/wind hybrid energy system using MTALAB simulink



non conventional sources like solar and wind are presented everywhere, cheap or freely available, and they are used to generate power or electricity in remote area also where transmission or grid connection are not possible. In this paper a smart PV/Wind hybrid system developed with any grid connection.A complete hybrid model of wind, solar PV array, with battery system is designed so as to ensure uninterruptible power supply across the load. Due to depletion of fossil fuels, a move towards clean energy has emerged from the last few decades. A basic understanding of different sources and a battery as an emergency can be employed in an isolated area/village where transmission of electricity is quite costly can be overcome using any of these sources. MATLAB simulink software used to design this model. To maximize the power generation Perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm is used maximum power point tracker (MPPT). The dynamic behavior of the proposed model is examined under different operating conditions. The solar PV system is designed to generate approx 45-50kW, the wind system is basically designed for 147kW approx The efficiency of the wind system is maximum 40-45% at the peak wind speed practically so it is considered for higher rating. The model is basically designed in the discrete mode with the sample time 20 μs. To maintain the unidirectional transmission a diode is connected across each source and an ideal switch which maintains the switching of the respective sources.

Key words: Solar Energy System, Wind Turbine System

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