An assessment of different animal dung's on the growth of lettuce (Lactica sativa L.) was investigated, animal manure from sheep, chicken and cattle were used for the study. Seedling of lettuce were divided into four groups, after 21 days the seedlings were harvested and growth parameters (such as number of leaves, length of stem, root length and dry matter accumulation) were measured. Plant treated with chicken dung 's shows the highest vegetative growth and high accumulation of dry matter. Control (with no treatment) recorded the least vegetative growth and low dry matter accumulation. The results of this research indicate that animal dung's contain some of the essential nutrients needed for crop productions and high yield. In conclusion this research showed that essential nutrient for plant growth are more in chicken dung's than sheep and cattle. The efficient and profitable crops production to be achieved, to meet the increasing demand there is need for replacement of inorganic fertiliser with animal manure, being cheaper, with enough nutrients and lasting effect on the soil.
Key words: Animal dung, Lactica sativa, Dry matter, inorganic fertiliser