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Equijost. 2015; 3(2): 76-83


Fadipe, A.E.A.; Falola, A.; Salami, M. F.; Okpara, C. C..


This study examines marketing of mango in Ogbomosho Oyo state, Nigeria. It emanated from the need to quest for nutritional security and healthy living. Primary data collected front 120 respondents (comprising 50 wholesalers and 70 retailers) were used for the study. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Ginicoefficient, regression model and five-point Likert scale. The results show that mango marketing is undertaken mainly by middle aged married women who derive their capital front informal sources. The result further revealed that marketing of mango follows a decentralized structure in the study area. The market margin at wholesale and retail levels was ₦216,782 and ₦25,151 per month respectively implying that marketing of mango is a profitable venture in the study area. The significant factors influencing profitability of mango in the study area are age (p< 0.1). membership of cooperative (p < 0.05), marketing experience (p < 0.1) and marketing costs (p < 0.01). The major constraints militating against efficient marketing of mango in the study area were high level of perishability, poor storage facilities, lack of credit, inadequate capital, seasonal variation and high cost of transportation. The marketers should form cooperatives and be provided with credit facilities. Also, policies that will reduce cost of transportation should be implemented and efficient technologies for preserving the fruit be developed.

Key words: Nutritional security, Mango, Profitability, Marketing, Constraints

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