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Biochemical and liver histological changes in rats exposed to sub-lethal dose of Uproot-pesticide and the protective potentials of nutritional supplements

Cosmas Onyekachi Ujowundu, Kingsley Isaac Ogamanya, Favour Ntite Ujowundu, Victoria Ojone Adejoh, Calistus I. Iheme, Kalu Okereke Igwe.

Cited by 1 Articles

The present study determined the propensity of uproot, a glyphosate-based pesticide to induce hepatotoxicity and its possible attenuation by selected food supplements in Wistar albino rats. Animals were administered 50mg/kg body weight of the pesticide intraperitoneally on alternate days and daily oral administration of 20mg/kg body weight of selected food supplements (Glutathione, vitamin C, garlic) for 28 days. Liver function and oxidative parameters were determined using blood and liver samples. Histological studies were done on the liver tissue. Values obtained indicated potential liver damage and significant ameliorative potential of nutritional supplements. Other observed significant and non-significant changes were discussed

Key words: Hepatotoxicity, Glutathione, vitamin C, garlic, pesticides, antioxidants, toxicants

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