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Acute toxicity evaluation of homeopathic preparation of Gymnema sylvestre and analysis of its chemical constituents

Avanish Shukla, Imtiaz Khalid Muhammed, Ravi Sheshala, Ibrahim Usman Mhaisker, Krishna Rampal.

Cited by 4 Articles

In many countries, homeopathic preparation is believed to be an effective medicine for various ailments. However, there are limited scientific evidences in regard to its usage, safety and efficacy. It is necessary to update this age-old scientific wisdom in different aspects including pharmacologic and therapeutic potentials. In this study, we assessed the safety profile of homeopathic preparation of Gymnema sylvestre (HPGS). Its chemical constituents were deciphered using LC-MC approaches. HPGS was subjected to an acute toxicity study (OECD-423 guidelines) using Sprague Dawley rats. Administration of HPGS did not produce any toxic symptoms or show mortality at the dose level of 300 mg/kg body weight. Phytochemical analysis revealed that HPGS contained alkaloids, saponins and flavonoids. These results demonstrated the non-toxic nature of HPGS in vivo, suggesting a long-term usage in clinical practices when administered orally

Key words: Gymnema sylvestre, homeopathy, toxicity, LC/MS, Sprague Dawley rats

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