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Production of bioethanol via enzymatic saccharification of agriculture and agro-industrial wastes by Aspergillus terreus under solid state fermentation

metwally abd el azeem metwally, Mohamed bedaiwy, omyma ahmed Awadalla, Rana metwally Rashad.


Production of ethanol fermented from renewable sources for fuel or fuel additives are known as bioethanol. Bioethanol as a fossil fuel additive to decrease environmental pollution and reduce the stress of the decline in crude oil availability is becoming increasingly popular. The present study was investigated for production of bioethanol via fermentation of the soluble sugar produced by enzymatic saccharification of agriculture and agro-industrial wastes using the isolated cellulolytic soil fungi under solid state fermentation. The ethanolic fermentation of the soluble sugar was conducted by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.. The fermentation of hydrolysates of alkali-treated wheat bran and untreated pineapple pulp for bioethanol production using S. cerevisiae under optimized conditions as inoculum size 3×105 , inoculum age 24 hr, incubation period 24 hr, temperature 35ºC, pH 4.5 for alkali- treated wheat bran hydrolysate and pH 5 for untreated pineapple pulp hydrolysate using shaking condition, revealed an increase in ethanol production with good fermentation efficiency. The results recorded that the highest bioethanol production capacity by S. cerevisiae were 22.50 and 26.50 %( v/v) for alkali- treated wheat bran and untreated pineapple pulp hydrolysates respectively. Gas chromatography analysis indicated that the purity of bioethanol were 99.191 and 99.539 % obtained from alkali-treated wheat bran and untreated pineapple pulp hydrolysates fermentation respectively and the purified of bioethanol contained lower quantities of volatile by-products. The quality of the resulting alcohol was compatible with the European Fuel Ethanol Standards.

Key words: Bioethanol production, A. terreus, Agricultural and agro-industrial wastes, Solid state Fermentation (SSF), Optimization.

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