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Research Article

AJVS. 2021; 14(1): 29-41

Liverfluke Coprological Cross-Sectional Survey in Cattle, Sheep and Goats in Sharazur District Kurdistan- Iraq

Kwestan Ali, Hardi Marif, Nawroz Kakarash, Hawsar Mohammed.

Cited by 0 Articles

Cross-sectional coprological survey was conducted to know the prevalence of liver flukes in cattle, sheep and goats in Sharazur district Kurdistan- Iraq from June 2018 to March 2020. Parasitological examination of fecal samples collected from 685 animals from several field (280 sheep, 245 goats and 160 cattle) was done by using sedimentation method (Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test- FECRT). We revealed that an overall Fasciola species prevalence were (49.48%). Liver fascioliasis was documented highly in sheep (55.71%), followed by cattle (47.5 %) and goats (43.67%). Risk factors such as age and sex showed a significant effects on the prevalence of liver flukes (P

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