Introduction: Intestinal obstruction is mostly manifested in the pediatric 1 12 months age group. The ideal hospital length of stay is 6 9 days. Management of intestinal obstruction by surgical approach leads to 3 4 times longer length of stay compared to a conservative approach.
Material and Methods: Research data were obtained from medical records of 1 12 months old infants who underwent laparotomy in Dr Soetomo General Hospital during the period from January to December 2018. Data analysis was performed by Fishers Exact test.
Results: The total subject of 24 patients had a mean 13,4 days length of stay. There were 8 (33,3%) patients with ≤ 6 days length of stay and 16 (67,7%) with > 6 days length of stay. Nutritional status (p=0,022), diagnosis (p=0,009), and the type of laparotomy (p=0,009) are correlated with length of stay.
Discussion: The result of the study analysis shows variables that are significantly correlated and not significantly correlated. The variables which are not significantly correlated dont indicate that there is no correlation at all, instead, further studies need to be done.
Conclusions: Subjects have a longer length of stay than the recommendation. There is a correlation between nutritional status, diagnosis, and the type of laparotomy with a length of stay.
Key words: infant, laparotomy, length of stay, open surgery