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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2021; 30(2): 81-86

Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy Improves Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis Independent of the Use of Nigella sativa oil or Normal Saline Mouthwash; Randomized Controlled Trial

Ghazala Hassan, Sarah Ghafoor, Saira Atif, Saima Chaudhry, Zubair Ahmed Khan.


Chronic periodontitis (CP) is an inflammatory disease of microbial origin that harms the health of the oral tissues. The objective of this study was analyzing the effects of Nigella sativa oil mouthwash given for two weeks after non-surgical therapy in patients with CP.
This study was a parallel-arm randomized controlled trial that was conducted after ethical approval and registered with The trial followed the guidelines of CONSORT and triple blinding was ensured. A total of fifty voluntary participants, after giving consent and being evaluated for clinical parameters of CP that included Periodontal Pocket Depth (PPD), CAL (Clinical Attachment Loss), PI (Plaque Index) and BoP (Bleeding on Probing) were divided into a control group and a treatment group. Both groups underwent scaling and root planning and were given normal saline solution or Nigella sativa oil respectively to be used as mouthwash daily for two weeks. The clinical parameters were recorded after two weeks and data was analyzed using SPSS (version 25.0).
It was noted that a statistically significant change was found in the pre-treatment and post-treatment values of all CP parameters in both the groups after use of normal saline and Nigella sativa oil mouthwash. No statistically significant results were obtained when clinical parameters were evaluated between the two groups.
The clinical periodontal parameters of PI, CAL, PPD and BoP improved in both study groups two weeks following non-surgical periodontal therapy irrespective of the Nigella Sativa oil-based mouthwash or normal saline-based mouthwash used. It is suggested that either both mouthwashes had a beneficial effect or sub-gingival ultrasonic instrumentation itself was enough for improvement of periodontal health irrespective of the mouthwash used.

Key words: Nigella sativa, Chronic periodontitis, Normal Saline, Oral Health, Dental, Non-surgical periodontal therapy

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