Objective: To determine the relationship between lipid profile abnormalities and preeclampsia in pregnant women.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was done in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of District Headquarter Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan from June 2018 to May 2019. A total of 130 women of preeclampsia were selected. Lipid profile abnormalities were evaluated using a fasting blood sample from the hospital laboratory. All data related to eclampsia, demographic features and lipid profile abnormalities were recorded.
Results: Mean age of women was 33.1+5.1 years (range 21-40). Mean gestational age was 34.4+7.3 weeks. Of the total number of women, the multipara constituted 85(65.38%) and the primi para were 45(34.62%). Women living in cities constituted 70(53.85%) and rural women were 60(46.15%). Mild pre-eclampsia was observed in 74(56.92%) and severe preeclampsia in 56(43.08%) women. Hyperlipidemia was found to be significantly associated with the severity of the preeclampsia (p=0.03).
Conclusion: Lipid profile abnormalities are significantly associated with preeclampsia, meaning that it is the main risk factor for eclampsia.
Key words: pregnancy, preeclampsia, hyperlipidemia.