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IJMDC. 2021; 5(2): 526-531

Learning styles and strategies’ preferences of Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University students in gross anatomy courses and their correlations with gender

Eman Ali Elkordy, Abdulmajeed Mohammed Alsalem, Shahd Abdulrahman N. Hadal, Ghassan Abdullah Bagazi, Alanoud Hassan A. Alkhannani, Nujood Nasser Alawwad.


Background: Learning styles and strategies’ understanding is a vital part for the improvement of students' learning. In Saudi Arabia, there is a notable lack of research on students’ learning style preferences enrolled in gross anatomy courses. Thereby, this study aimed to assess and evaluate the learning styles and strategies’ preference of medical college students at Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University in gross anatomy courses and their correlation with gender.
Methodology: It was a questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study. The first section included general information, whereas the second and third sections were about students’ opinions on how to learn gross anatomy.
Results: Out of the total 551 students, most were male (52.5%) and the majority were between the second and fourth academic levels. Approximately 63.5% of the students showed high studying behavior, while 59.2% showed a low opinion about studying anatomy. The gender and academic level were significantly correlated with students’ studying behavior and opinion about learning/studying anatomy.
Conclusion: Most medical students showed a high studying behavior and a low opinion about studying/learning anatomy.

Key words: Anatomy, anatomical learning skills, cadaver specimens, hands-on dissection, studying behavior

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