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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2441-2450

Depression In Adolescents In Relation To Parenting, Sibling Status And Types Of Schools

Prof. Sharmila Fernandes,Prof. Shohinee Mandal,Prof. N Lakshmi,Ambreen Aisha.


The present study attempted to explore the effects of parenting, sibling status and type of schools on Depression in Adolescents. Depression is a psychological disorder that affects a person’s mood, Changes, physical functions and social interaction. A sample of 240 adolescents were taken from different institutions of Bangalore, Karnataka. The age range from 15-18 years. Analysis of variance was used to analyse the data. Results indicated that parenting influence depression in adolescents. Sibling status also influences significantly depression in adolescents. Type of schools influence significantly depression in adolescents. Parenting, Sibling status and type of schools mutually interact in determine depression in adolescents. Depression in adolescents is a public health issue among adolescents and demonstrates the importance of considering parenting. Understanding family-related depression risk factors can help to predict and prevent depression among adolescents.

Key words: Depression, Parenting, Sibling Status, Type of Schools

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