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Prevalence and risk factor of prediabetes: A cross-sectional study among young medical students in Mangalore

Ajoy Chowdhury, Das K S.

Cited by 5 Articles

Background: Diabetes has assumed the position of a common and widespread disease which finds roots in both manner of lifestyle and genetics. An indication of developing diabetes is the condition called prediabetes characterized by impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or glycated hemoglobin. It is determined by several factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, family history, gestational diabetes, a lack of physical activity, and ethnicity. Therefore, monitoring prevalence and risk factors responsible for identifying individuals susceptible to developing diabetes is important.

Objectives: The present study was focused on primary objective to study the prevalence of prediabetes among the medical students of Mangalore while simultaneously investigating any association between the different risk factors with prediabetes prevalence.

Materials and Methods: The study focused on a sample of 110 young adults aged 20–24 years, who were subjected to the WHO STEPwise approach for surveillance of risk to non-communicable diseases. The participants underwent physical and biochemical measurements while taking the self-administered questionnaire. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 25.0 statistical package. College ethics committee clearance was taken.

Results: The prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes was found to be 10% and 16.3%, respectively. The prevalence of prediabetes was higher in females than in males. The regression results showed the presence of family history (0.84 [confidence interval (CI): 0.13–0.53, P = 0.27]), gender (0.218 [CI: 0.073–0.649, P = 0.027]), and body mass index of >25 (3.62[CI: 1.03 – 12.70, p=0.091]) to be significant risk factors of prediabetes.

Conclusion: The sample population showed prevalence rates of diabetes in concurrence with the previous studies. As the prevalence rates continue to show consistency with no decline, therefore, it could be concluded that young population present susceptibility to developing diabetes. However, with lifestyle modification which also considers the family history and therefore genetic predisposition could help manage the situation effectively.

Key words: Prediabetes; Obesity; Body Mass Index; Fasting Plasma Glucose; Family History; Diabetes Mellitus

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