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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3698-3709

Role Of Repetitive Facilitation Exercises In Functional Improvement Of Upper Limb In Stroke Patients As Compare To Conventional Rehabilitation

Asima Irshad, Bushra Sultana, Habiba Aslam, Abeera Hussain, Sonia Munir, Tanveer Hussain, Mohsin Zafar, Adeel Rauf.


OBJECTIVE: To find the role ofRepetitive facilitative exercises in functional improvement of upper limb in stroke patients as compare to conventional rehabilitation.

METHODOLOGY: 26 patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were enrolled in this study. Outcome or efficacy was measured by using University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) scoring system, a 35-point scale. The items measured included Pain (10 points), Function (10 points), Active forward flexion (5 points), strength of forward flexion (5 points) and patient satisfaction (5 points). A score of 34-35 is considered an excellent score, 28-33 a good result, and any score less than 27 a poor result.

Key words: Stroke, Upper Limb, Facilitation Technique, Repetitive Facilitation Exercise, UCLA, Patients Satisfaction

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