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RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 386-390

Prevalence of anterior pelvic pain, pain intensity and functional disability among pregnant women of Lahore city, Pakistan

Zaitoon Shahzad, Hafiza Sana Ashraf, Maria Sohail, Haris Farooq, Tooba Asif, Zainab Safdar.


Objective: To determine prevalence of anterior pelvic pain, pain intensity and functional disability among pregnant women of Lahore city, Pakistan.
Methodology: In this cross-sectional study in which convenient sampling technique was used, 1000 pregnant females were included. A well-designed and detailed questionnaires, Pelvic Girdle Questionnaire (PGQ) and Allina health pain assessment scale for pregnancy were used. Data were analysed in SPSS version 20.
Results: The mean age of participants was 26.47±4.8 years. Out of 1000 women, 16% had anterior pelvic pain. In the first trimester the prevalence of pain was 5.6%, in second trimester 16.9% and in third trimester it was 77.5%. In the primiparas, the prevalence of pain was 26.9%, in the multiparous it was 30.0% and in grand multiparous it was 42.5%. The overall score of the PGQ was 46.5±18.1 (moderate), with the minimum disability due to pain scored 1.3 while the maximum disability due to pain scored 94.6. Mean pain score was 5.2±1.9 (out of 10 which deliberated moderate pain intensity).
Conclusion: There was mild prevalence of pregnancy induced anterior pelvic pain. Both pain intensity and functional disability, on the whole, was of moderate intensity.

Key words: Anterior pelvic pain, symphysis pubis dysfunction, pelvic girdle questionnaire (PGQ).

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