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Original Research

Med Arch. 2013; 67(1): 42-44

Mortality Among Third Age Patients with Hip Fracture and High Cardiac Risk

Zenaida Dedovic, Adnana Talic-TanovicĀ² Halima Resic, Narcisa Vavra-Hadziahmetovic.


Introduction: Mortality after hip fracture remains high in spite of the progress of medicine. Due to the trend toward longer life, the problem of hip fracture is getting more significant. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of surgical treatment in patients with high risk of hip fracture on mortality reduction. Methods: In the retrospective-prospective study, 66 patients aged 65-92 with a hip fracture and a high cardiac risk have been analyzed. The risk estimation was based on the Lee index. The patients with three or more risk factors were considered high-risk. The first group consisted of surgically treated patients with a hip fracture and at high cardiac risk, and in the second group were conservatively treated patients with a hip fracture and high cardiac risk. Results: In the group of conservatively treated patients, 75% were women and in operatively treated group 67.6%. Patient in both group are similar in relation to the participation of risk factor. A difference has been noticed in terms of renal insufficiency (RI). There was 18.8 % conservatively treated patient with RI and 2.9% in operatively treated group. Conclusion: Patients with hip fracture and at high cardiac risk have lower mortality when treated surgically.

Key words: preoperative risk, hip fracture, mortality.

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