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Med Arch. 2013; 67(1): 51-55

Job Characteristic Perception and Intrinsic Motivation in Medical Record Department Staff

Sakineh Saghaeiannejad Isfahani, Soosan Bahrami, Sedighe Torki.


Introduction: Human resources are key factors in service organizations like hospitals. Therefore, motivating human recourses to achieve the objectives of an organization is important. Job enrichment is a strategy used to increase job motivation in staffs. The goal of the current study is to determine the relationship between job characteristics and intrinsic motivation in medical record staff in hospitals related to Medical Science University in Isfahan in 2011-2012 academic year. Method: The type of the study is descriptive and corelational of multi variables. The population of the study includes all the medical record staffs of medical record department working in Medical Science hospitals of Isfahan. One hundred twentyseven subjects were selected by conducting a census. In the present study, data collected by using two questionnaires of job characteristics devised by Hackman and Oldeham, and of intrinsic motivation. Content validity was confirmed by experts and its reliability was calculated through coefficient of Cronbach’s alpha (r1= 0.84- r2=0.94). The questionnaires completed were entered into SPSS(18) software; furthermore, statistical analysis done descriptively (frequency percent, mean, standard deviation, Pierson correlation coefficient,...) and inferentially (multiple regression, MANOVA, LSD). Findings: A significant relationship between job characteristics as well as its elements (skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback) and intrinsic motivation was noticed. (p≤ 0.05). Also the results of multivariable regression showed that the relationship between job characteristic and intrinsic motivation was significant and job feedback had the most impact upon the intrinsic motivation. No significant difference was noticed among the mean amounts of job characteristic perception according to age, gender, level of education, and the kind of educational degree in hospitals. However, there was a significant difference among the mean amounts of job characteristic perception according to the unit of serviceand the years of servicein hospitals. Conclusion:The findings show that all job characteristics had positive effect upon intrinsic motivations and job feedback had the most effect on intrinsic motivation. Hence, it is necessary to take into account that job characteristics have a great role in changing the level of intrinsic motivation in the staffs.

Key words: job characteristic perception, intrinsic motivation, hospital.

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