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IJMDC. 2021; 5(2): 577-580

Factors affecting prognosis of traumatized anterior teeth

Muath Saleh Alkhalifah, Zubair Ahmed, Ziyad Ahmad Alsuwaydani, Sulaiman Ahmed Almatrudi.


Background: Traumatic injuries to the teeth are among the most severe dental accidents, with the anterior teeth being most affected. Some consequences of dental trauma include aesthetic concerns, speech defects, and psychological and social effects. The knowledge of the field can reduce the suffering, cost, and time for patients, parents, and healthcare providers. The current study aimed to investigate the treatment prognosis of anterior traumatized teeth in patients.
Methods: An observational study was conducted among 43 patients, all affected by traumatized teeth and completing the proposed treatment. Retrospective data were collected based on trauma forms, clinical notes, and a questionnaire prepared for the study, which were analyzed in terms of age, gender, the type of trauma, and etiology.
Results: The most common affected tooth in case of trauma is the maxillary central incisor (44.2%), followed by maxillary canine with an incidence rate of 27.9% among the overall traumas. According to the data collected from patientsÂ’ records about the trauma form, enamel-dentin fracture with pulpal involvement was among the most common type of injury reported in 23 case, followed by root fracture in 17 cases. The least common fracture was enamel-dentin fracture without pulpal involvement reported in three cases only.
Conclusion: The prognosis of traumatized anterior teeth in patients referred to the studied centers was estimated to be good.

Key words: Anterior teeth, dental trauma, prognosis, treatment

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