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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6216-6220

“Colgate” Taglines: A Critical Discourse Analysis

Dr. Vijay Kumar, Kanika Garg.


This paper looks into Colgate’s taglines from critical discourse analysis (CDA) point of view. This paper concentrates on the use of language in toothpaste advertisements and the approach used by advertisers to influence Their consumers. Quality findings Are done on the taglines of a toothpaste brand- Colgate. The outcomes manifests that the advertisers use diversity of methods to capture the attention of the audience. The paper discloses how the company captures its consumers attention by designing the taglines using linguistic characteristics or features and how their brand is the process to a healthy way of living. Language is a device that works as administering people’s intellect. Therefore, people in high position (advertisers) try language as a way to power others.

Key words: CDA, Colgate, Taglines, Parallelism, Disjunctive Syntax, Cohesion, Personalization, Adjectives, Personal Pronouns

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