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Clinical profile of patients with psoriasis and associated cardiovascular comorbidity: a five-year retrospective hospital-based study in Makassar, Indonesia

Khairuddin Djawad.

Cited by 1 Articles

Psoriasis is a chronic systemic immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease. It has been linked with an increased risk of mortality and morbidity due to cardiovascular events. This study aims to determine the clinical profile and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with psoriasis at Wahidin Sudirohusodo General Hospital (WSGH), Makassar, Indonesia, between July 2014-June 2019. This retrospective descriptive study collected age, age of onset, sex, occupation, type of psoriasis and treatment. Data on cardiovascular risk factors included hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking status and obesity. There was a total of 106 new cases of psoriasis with an average age of 43.5±17.44 years. The average age of onset was 40.00±16.31 years in men and 35.00±10.55 years in women. The senior age group (45-65 years) was the most frequent population observed (45 patients, 42.5%). Psoriasis Vulgaris was the most common type (71 patients, 67%). Almost all patients (98 patients, 92.5%) were treated using a topical corticosteroid. The most given systemic therapy was corticosteroid (34 patients, 32.1%). Hypertension (56 patients, 52.8%) and current smoking status (41 patients, 38.7%) were the most frequent cardiovascular risk factors. Although limited, this study provides an overview of the incidence, clinical profile and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in psoriasis patients at WSGH.

Key words: psoriasis, Indonesia, clinical profile

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