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NMJ. 2020; 9(2): 20-25

Clinical Study on Hollow Viscus Perforation

Subramanyam VV, Lokesh K.


Perforation of a hollow viscus from wide variety of causes comprises the major portion of emergency surgical admissions and
emergency laparotomies in any teaching hospital. The spectrum of aetiology of perforation in developing countries continues
to be different from its western counterpart. In case of peritonitis due to hollow viscus perforation early surgery has got
advantages over the late surgery. Omental patch repair and primary closures are some of the time- tested procedures performed.
Aims and objectives
To study the age and sex distribution,anatomical distribution of hollow viscus perforation,operative procedure performed for
various aetiologies and post- operative complications of operative management.
This is a retrospective study conducted in Narayana Medical College and Hospital, Nellore between 1st January 2016 and 1st
December 2016 by recording data from the hospital records of the patients diagnosed and operated for hollow viscus perforation.
In this retrospective study males comprised of 62.8% compared to females (37.2%), the commonest age group involved was 41-
50 year.The commonest anatomical site involved was that of duodenum followed by appendix. The commonest operative
procedure performed was omental patch closure technique. Large intestine and ileal perforation carried a high risk of post
operative surgical site infection and mortality

Key words: Hollow viscus; Perforation; Graham Patch; Simple Closure

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