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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 910-913

Knowledge of nursing professionals about pressure ulcer prevention

Aamir Gul Memon, Abdul Razzaque, Saleh Shah, Ahmed Ali Jafferi, Hasnain Haider, Tasghir Nabi Lashari.


Objective: To assess the knowledge regarding pressure ulcer classification and prevention in nursing team.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted at Suleman Roshan Medical College Hospital and included100 professionals nurses and final year students via convenient sampling. Nurses of the age between 25-45 years, directly involved in the patient care or employed by the hospital or university for the patient care were included in the study. Nurses who were not present at the time of data collection or nurses below 25years and above 45years were excluded. Data were collected from August to December 2019 using Total Piper’s pressure ulcer knowledge test (PUKT). The results were analyzed using SPSS version 22.
Results: Out of 100 nursing professionals, 31 were final year students and 69 were nursing professionals; 76% were females and 24% males. Mean age was 33.3±6.6 years. Pressure ulcer assessment and classification of stage I, 71% participants answered True, 12% False and 13% answered don’t know, Stage II, 73% answered true, 20% false and 7% answered don’t know. Stage III, 71% of participants answered true, 23 false and 6% answered don’t know and Stage IV, 92% answered true and 8% false.
Conclusion: Inadequate level of awareness was observed among nursing team, regarding pressure ulcer prevention, classification and assessment.

Key words: Knowledge, nursing team, pressure ulcer, prevention.

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