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Case Report

SJEMed. 2021; 2(1): 92-95

Successful treatment of refractory status epileptics with a single dose of IV ketamine in a Saudi child - a case report

Amal Yousif, Muhammad T. Alrifai, Khaled Almasoud.


Background: Status epileptics are classically defined as seizures that are continuous for 30 minutes or longer or repetitive seizures between which the patient does not regain consciousness. This study reports a case of a boy with a 2-hour seizure.
Case Presentation: We present the case of a 7-year-old boy, who is known to have tuberous sclerosis (TSC2 gene mutation). On the day of presentation, the seizure had started with aura (epigastric pain with weakness in the face), then started to seize in a form left focal jerky movement with generalization associated with rolling up of the eyes, and lasted for 5 minutes; it was aborted clinically by lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg IV. However, the electroencephalography (EEG) showed subclinical seizure. The patient received a loading dose of phenytoin, 20 mg/kg IV, with no changes in the EEG; then Keppra (three doses) with a total of 40 mg/kg IV was given, but subclinical seizure still persisted. The patient was given one dose of Ketamine IV of 1 mg/kg, which resulted in complete cessation of the seizure activity within 3 minutes after injection, which was confirmed by prolonged EEG monitoring. The total duration of the seizure was 2 hours.
Conclusion: Ketamine can be considered as a third-line drug in refractory status epilepticus.

Key words: Status epilepticus, refractory status epilepticus, seizure, ketamine

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