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Med Arch. 2013; 67(2): 126-130

Evaluate the Ability of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) to Improve Clinical Practice

Sima Ajami, Fatemeh Amini.


Introduction: Prevalence of new diseases, medical science promotion and increase of referring to health care centers, provide a good situation for medical errors growth. Errors can involve medicines, surgery, diagnosis, equipment, or lab reports. Medical errors can occur anywhere in the health care system: In hospitals, clinics, surgery centers, doctors’ offices, nursing homes, pharmacies, and patients’ homes. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), 98,000 people die every year from preventable medical errors. In 2010 from all referred medical error records to Iran Legal Medicine Organization, 46/5% physician and medical team members were known as delinquent. One of new technologies that can reduce medical errors is clinical decision support systems (CDSSs). Methods: This study was unsystematic-review study. The literature was searched on evaluate the “ability of clinical decision support systems to improve clinical practice” with the help of library, books, conference proceedings, data bank, and also searches engines available at Google, Google scholar. For our searches, we employed the following keywords and their combinations: medical error, clinical decision support systems, Computer-Based Clinical Decision Support Systems, information technology, information system, health care quality, computer systems in the searching areas of title, keywords, abstract, and full text. In this study, more than 100 articles and reports were collected and 38 of them were selected based on their relevancy. Discussion and conclusion: The CDSSs are computer programs, designed for help to health care careers. These systems as a knowledge-based tool could help health care manager in analyze evaluation, improvement and selection of effective solutions in clinical decisions. Therefore, it has a main role in medical errors reduction. The aim of this study was to express ability of the CDSSs to improve clinical practice.

Key words: medical error, clinical decision support systems, CDSS, healthcare quality, information technology, information system

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