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Original Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(1): 133-139

Knowledge regarding the importance of ultraviolet radiation and protective behaviors for the eye health in Saudi Arabia

Rawan Anwer Al-Abdulqader, Fahad Abdullah Al Wadani, Noura Saleh Alkulaib, Mareyah Abdulrahman Alshaikh Husain, Yasmeen Mohammed Almulhim, Saja Khalifah Alsaqer.


Background: Extra exposure to ultraviolet radiation might cause inflammation of the cornea and the conjunctiva in the eye, thereby enhanced the cataract development. Thereby, this study aimed to estimate the level of awareness and knowledge among Saudi population regarding the importance of ultraviolet radiation and protection of eye health.
Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study, conducted from 2018 to 2020. A complete standardized questionnaire was filled by 2,335 participants of different provinces in Saudi Arabia.
Results: Regarding the level of knowledge, 80.6% participants agreed about the harmful effect of sunlight on eyes. Participants showed different levels of knowledge regarding the different eye diseases and its relation to sun exposure. Almost 55% participants had seen or heard advertising media that encourage the use of sunglasses, and 88.8% participants agreed to wear sunglasses after they knew that eyeglasses are able to minimize the hazards of sun-related eye disease.
Conclusion: The study showed high awareness level among participants regarding the different eye diseases and their relationship with the sunlight exposure. Also, the study showed high awareness level regarding the benefits of protective measures against sunlight harmful effects.

Key words: UV radiation, eyeglasses, health promotion, health focus, eye diseases

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