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Nootropic activity of ethanolic extract of Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz flowers on scopolamine-induced mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

Sareetha AV, Sridhar Prasad YP, Kiran T, Shashikumara.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz. flowers belongs with the Lythraceae family and is known as Dhathaki in Ayurveda, which has been accounted for to have antimicrobial movement, cardioprotective action, antioxidant action, antiulcer action, immunomodulatory action, anti-fruitfulness action, and antitumor action in other in vitro contemplates.

Aims and Objectives: The current investigation is to explore the nootropic activity of the ethanolic extract of W. fruticosa (EWF) flowers scopolamine-induced mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.

Materials and Methods: EWF was prepared by an incessant method using Soxhlet and cold evaporator equipment with respected temperature. EWF inside the doses 100 and 250 mg/kg frame weight become administrated to albino mice orally for 7 days accompanied through assessment for memory-enhancing interest using well-known protocols of the elevated plus maze (EPM) and Morris water maze (MWM).

Results: Repeated oral administration of EWF 100 and 250 mg/kg and standard Piracetam (100 mg/kg) for 7 days for Swiss albino mice with scopolamine-induced memory impairment. In the EPM and MWM test revealed that the repeated administration of EWF two different doses shown significant nootropic activity (P < 0.001), and the Piracetam confirmed a huge reduction in the both transfer and escape latency period.

Conclusion: EWF confirmed better learning and memory enhancement actions in animal models. The present study also concluded that the flowers are a rich source of phytoconstituents such as flavonoids, glycosides, and proteins, which may be recognized to its anti-amnesic activity.

Key words: Scopolamine; Woodfordia fruticosa Flowers; Elevated Plus Maze; Morris Water Maze

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