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Research Article

Designing a Comprehensive Model of Elderly-Friendly Hospitals in IRAN



Introduction & Objective: Iran, like many other countries, is experiencing an increase in the elderly population. The elderly are more vulnerable than others and it is difficult to care for them during hospitalization. With the increase in the number of diseases in the elderly, elderly-friendly hospitals are more considered. This study aimed at designing a comprehensive model of elderly-friendly hospitals in Iran.
Method: This exploratory study was performed on 408 physicians, nurses, and paramedics in Iran selected by cluster sampling. First, the initial model was designed based on the review of existing studies, texts, patterns, and tools. The psychometric test was then performed through validity (face validity, content validity, construct validity, and confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability (internal correlation and stability) measurements. The final model was then introduced following approval by experts. Data analysis was performed by SPSS 22 and Amos software.
Results: Of the studied samples, 58.3% had a master's degree or higher. The results validity (content validity, face validity, construct validity, and confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability (internal consistency (=90%) and stability (0.91)) measurement approved the designed model of an elderly-friendly hospital with 47 items and 7 dimensions. The dimensions of this model included care ethics, physical environment, care process, emotional and behavioral environment, organizational support, service delivery systems, and policy-making. The policy-making dimension with the coefficient of 0.63 showed the highest effect in the designed model.
Conclusion: The designed model is a suitable and approved Iranian model to design elderly-friendly hospitals. The use of the presented model in the cultural context of Iran is recommended for hospitals.

Key words: Model, Elderly-Friendly Hospital, Iran

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