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Research Article

Free Radical Scavenging and Cytotoxic Effect of Copper Nanoparticles Synthesised Using Nutmeg Oleoresin



Background: Copper nanoparticles that are extremely small and have a high surface to volume ratio can also serve as antifungal/antibacterial agents. They have excellent biocompatibility, are economical, and exhibit low toxicity. Nutmeg or Myristica fragrans is found to have health benefits, including its ability to relieve pain, soothe indigestion, strengthen cognitive function, detoxify the body, boost skin health, alleviate oral conditions, reduce insomnia, increase immune system function, and prevent leukemia, and improve blood circulation.
Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse the free radical scavenging and cytotoxic activities of copper nanoparticles made from nutmeg oleoresin.
Materials and methods: In this study, nutmeg oleoresin was used to synthesise copper nanoparticles. These nanoparticles were subjected to cytotoxic and free radical scavenging assays. The cytotoxicity was studied by brine shrimp lethality assay and the free radical scavenging activity by DPPH assay technique.
Results: The extract shows the highest percentage of live nauplii at 50% for 80μL concentration and antioxidant activity was 84% almost close to the standard at 50μL concentration.
Conclusion: The extract has shown high cytotoxicity and good free radical scavenging with increase in concentration. It also showed good antioxidant activity with DPPH assay. Hence , nutmeg mediated copper nanoparticles may be used in the treatment of cancer and other conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Key words: Copper nanoparticles, Nutmeg oleoresin, cytotoxic activity , free radical scavenging activity, green synthesis, eco friendly

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