Background: Fixed partial denture prosthesis is one of the most common and accepted treatment modalities for edentulous spaces in the dental arch. The current study aimed to evaluate the most common complaints of patients and the related failures associated with fixed partial denture prostheses treatment given by undergraduate students. The evaluation was carried out through the follow-up visits of the patients.
Methods: The study was conducted among Saudi adult males who received fixed partial dentures treatment by undergraduate students at the male campus, College of Dentistry, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. A total of 75 abutment teeth were selected to evaluate the fixed partial denture prostheses, which included metal, porcelain fused to metal (PFM), all-ceramic crowns, bridges, and veneers.
Results: Fixed partial denture prosthesis treated in dental clinics included all-ceramic crowns (20, 27%), veneers (24, 32.4%), PFM crowns (16, 21.06%), PFM bridges (seven, 9.5%), on lays (one, 1.4%), and full metal crowns (six, 8.1%). Regarding contact with the adjacent tooth, it was found that 69 (93.2%) abutments had normal contacts, four (5.4%) abutments had open contacts, and only one (1.4%) contact was tight. Regarding occlusion and interferences, 71 (95.9 %) showed good occlusal contact with no high points or interferences, whereas two (2.7%) had high points, and only one (1.4%) was out of occlusion. On examination of finish lines, 34 (45.9%) had equigingival finish lines, 30 (40.5%) had subgingival finish lines, seven (9.5%) had supragingival finish lines, and three (4.1%) were overhang.
Conclusion: This research came up with the factors that directly impacted the success of a fixed prosthesis. These factors included good preparation, qualified lab technician, and good oral hygiene habits for the patients. Moreover, any defect in these factors would lead to prosthesis failure.
Key words: Fixed partial denture, fixed prosthesis, abutment