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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5261-5274

Awareness Of Farmers Towards Organic Farming: A Study Among The Farmers Of Karola Village.



As you know, organic farming is gaining attention all over the world. It can diversify the method of agricultural production to increase sustainability, farm income, and food safety. The key aim of this preliminary research was to determine the awareness of farmers about organic farming. Simple random sampling was employed to select the research area. A structured questionnaire was circulated to the 234 farmers of Karola. Close-ended questions were used to gather the data from the respondents. Respondents were selected conveniently for the study. In the questionnaire, the researcher asked questions to verify the level of awareness among farmers. The demographic data, the experience of organic farming, and the practice of organic farming were key aspects of that questionnaire. The finding suggested that all respondents learned agriculture from their communities. The respondents concluded that they are starting to practice agriculture because there is no other profession that they can practice. Even all accept that there is a need to raise knowledge of organic farming. They still believe in traditional methods, particularly for the control of diseases and the growth of seeds. Farmers' knowledge of organic farming needs to be enhanced. Respondents are conscious of rotating plants, using animal manure, plant and kitchen waste, composting and minimizing the usage of fertilizer, manually green manure, and weed control as part of organic growing.

Key words: Organic farming, knowledge, attitude, farmers.

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