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Case Report

Biological profile of patients with COVID-19 infection in oncology? (Report of 3 cases)

Samia Khalfi, Kawtar Lakhmais, Hajar Filali, Amal el Mahfoudi, Fatima Zahra Farhane, Zenab Alami, Touria Bouhafa, Khalid Hassouni.

Cited by 0 Articles

COVID-19 infection poses a greater diagnosis and therapy challenge in patients with cancer. Therefore, they could be at increased risk of developing severe forms and have a bad prognosis.
haematological manifestations are described in COVID 19 infection and often induced by cancer treatments. This can sometimes lead us to miss the diagnosis of COVID 19 infection.
In this work, we analyzed clinical and biological profiles of three patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection, who had different cancer’s treatment protocols, and we noticed that they all had lymphocytic-predominant pancytopenia. However, this haematological abnormalities can be a predictive factor for the occurrence of severe forms in our context.

Key words: Biological profile, COVID 19 infection, Oncology

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